To the 3,600 NY-10 residents who voted for me, to the many friendly people I interacted with, to the complete strangers who kindly volunteered their support, to my family and (old & new) friends who generously funded the campaign and encouraged me, to dedicated interns, to my amazing wife and children, a huge THANK YOU!! The past six months have been exhilarating. Campaigning has allowed me to interact with many different communities across the district; I am a better person and citizen for it.
To Dan Goldman: congratulations on your re-election. I hope you will focus on delivering pragmatic solutions to our many challenges. Your constituents need and deserve them!

For Congress
NY District 10
My pledge to you:
Walk every residential street to listen to voters; only take small contributions; craft pragmatic solutions to Local and National issues, using my expertise in Economics, Climate Change, and Foreign Policy. No drama, no grandstanding.

Affordability & Housing
Our fiscal policies tend to focus on short-term needs. I propose addressing ignored problems and trimming wasteful tax breaks to support priorities for New Yorkers:
Create an independent commission to make Social Security sustainable
Develop a national plan for massively funding affordable housing at 30-40% AMI
Transfer NYCHA housing ownership to long-term residents
Propose a law which will tie all corporate tax breaks to achieving clear social, economic and environmental objectives
Reinstate the SALT tax deduction, the absence of which is hurting New Yorkers
Reinstate the child tax credit and support universal 3-K
Increase the corporate tax rate from 21% to 25~28% to fund new programs

Climate Change &
Healthy Environment
President Biden’s climate policies are a fantastic first step but much more is needed. To accelerate the transition while creating jobs, I will propose an Inflation Reduction Act 2.0 which will:
Financially support the purchase of energy-saving equipment by industry, real estate and farming
Tie provisions in the tax code to encouraging the transition
Encourage banks to improve their underwriting standards and incorporate energy costs
Develop a national plan to cut the use of plastics
Phase-out gas-powered engines where already economic, starting with leaf-blowers and scooters
Double the school lunch budget to include healthy local produce
Discourage the over-use of fertilizers in farming
Support and expand the MTA/ public transportation
Regulate dangerous commercial e-bikes

Democracy &
Political Reform
The role of money in politics robs our voice and is a leading cause of our lack of confidence in Congress. Meaningful reforms are key to reverting to a normally functioning democracy. Democrats should lead by example and actively push to institute some of the following changes, in all local, state and Federal elections:
Open primaries
Ranked choice voting
Gerrymandering ban
Campaign finance reform